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Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

Eligible Training Provider List and WIOA Certification for Training Programs

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires that every state maintains an Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL), which is administered by the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED). Local WIOA Title I service providers; interested, prospective, and participating Eligible Training Providers; Local Workforce Development Boards; and their partners should comply with this policy to ensure high-quality training experiences for customers of WIOA Title I programs.

Relevant Laws, Rules, or Policies
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Sec. 122
Minnesota Statutes Chapter 136A - Higher Education
Training and Employment Guidance Letter 41-14, including attachments
Training and Employment Guidance Letter 8-19, including attachments
Training and Employment Guidance Letter 17-05, including attachments
WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker Allowable Activities

Effective Date

Last Updated

Christen Pentek, ETPL.deed@state.mn.us
Tel   651.259.7373
Fax  651.215.3842
TTY  651.296.3900



The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires that every state maintains an Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL), which is administered by the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED).

Purpose and Background

The WIOA certification requirement for a training program providing a credential has been in existence since the Workforce Investment Act (WIA, the law preceding WIOA). This requirement (outlined in WIOA Section 122) involves data requirements designed to display training accomplishments. 

The Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) is a database of courses and programs that prepare and advance credential attainment and the careers of the people of Minnesota. 

This DEED policy outlines the federal and local requirements for Minnesota's Eligible Training Provider List. A training program or course whose completion results in a recognized credential must be WIOA-certified in order to document the credential in performance measures. 

DEED serves as the administrative agent for Minnesota' ETPL and WIOA certification within Minnesota.

Public Access of Minnesota's ETPL

Minnesota's ETPL is embedded in Minnesota's Career and Education Explorer. There are three types of opportunities in Minnesota's Career and Education Explorer: WIOA-certified, noncredentialled training, and additional opportunities.

Minnesota's Career and Education Explorer consists of Minnesota's ETPL and additional learning opportunities. Trainings that are WIOA-certified meet the WIOA definition for credentialled training, and are Minnesota's ETPL. Trainings that are non-credentialled training may sometimes be supported as part of WIOA, however do not include a recognized postsecondary credential. Trainings that are neither cannot be supported as WIOA training.

 2a. WIOA-certified

WIOA-certified programs and courses include a recognized postsecondary credential in the training. "Recognized postsecondary credential" follows the United States Department of Labors' definition, "a credential consisting of an industry-recognized certificate or certification, a certificate of completion of an apprenticeship, a license recognized by the State involved or Federal Government, or an associate or baccalaureate degree" (29 USC; 3102(52), TEN 25-19).

In order to be eligible to be WIOA-certified, a training program or course must be delivered by an Eligible Training Provider. The provider must provide a recognized postsecondary credential upon successful completion of that program or course. The receipt of the credential must depend on the successful completion of the certified program. 

WIOA certification happens at the program level. Being an Eligible Training Provider is a necessary, but not the only condition for offering WIOA-certified training. An Eligible Training Provider may have a mix of programs that are WIOA-certified, non-credentialed, or neither. Each training submitted from each Eligible Training Provider is considered independently for designations (WIOA-certified, non-credentialed training, neither of these) on Minnesota's ETPL.

 2ai. Inclusion of a Recognized Postsecondary Credential

WIOA-certified trainings must include a recognized postsecondary credential upon successful completion. If passing an exam is not necessary to receive the credential, the training can be WIOA-certified, as long as the student receives a credential upon successful completion of the training. 

Inclusion of an exam: Some credentials require the successful passage of an exam. In order to be WIOA-certified, if an exam is required for the credential, the exam must be included in the training, including any cost for the exam.

If passing an exam is necessary to receive the credential, and the exam is not part of the training, but rather taken independently by the student, then the training cannot be WIOA-certified. 

2b. Noncredentialled training

Noncredentialled training also follows the United States Department of Labor's guidance. This category includes trainings that are industry and occupation specific, but do not include a credential. For example, a test preparation program or continuing education units for maintaining a state license.

Noncredentialled training will not count toward a credential (see Performance Reporting section below).

2c. Secondary/Remedial and Graduate trainings

Opportunities that are listed in the Career and Education Explorer as 'no' to WIOA-certified and 'no' to noncredentialled training are not part of Minnesota's ETPL. These trainings may be general skills, remedial, secondary, or graduate trainings, occupational skills (occupational therapy/rehabilitation), and opportunities for only the exam (e.g. cost to register and sit for an industry or occupational exam). These opportunities cannot be funded using WIOA Title I training funding, however, other WIOA or state funding types may be used.

Initial Eligibility Requirements in Becoming an Eligible Training Provider

3a. Initial eligibility criteria 1: Approval from appropriate Minnesota state agency

An Eligible Training Provider must be licensed, registered, or legally exempt (from licensure under Sec. 136A.833 MN Statutes Subd 2(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, or 13) or Sec. 136A.653 MN Statutes or 136A.653 subd. 3(a)) by the Minnesota Office of Higher Education (OHE) or other appropriate state agency, as applicable, to be listed on Minnesota's ETPL. 

No training provider or their programs are required to be listed on the ETPL. It is voluntary. However, for programs to receive WIOA certification, the Eligible Training Provider and its programs must be listed on Minnesota's ETPL. 

3b. Initial eligibility criteria 2: Public location in Minnesota

Only Eligible Training Providers located in Minnesota may be listed on Minnesota's ETPL. "Located in Minnesota" means the training provider has a physical location, or is headquartered in Minnesota and offers postsecondary online programs that include recognized postsecondary credentials to Minnesota residents.

3bi. Registered Apprenticeship Programs

Any Registered Apprenticeship sponsor in Minnesota whose program is registered with the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) can request listing on Minnesota's ETPL. 

Per federal regulations, any out-of-state Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAPs) sponsor whose program is registered with the US Department of Labor (DOL) can be included on any state's list of Eligible Training Providers (TEGL 8-19 Change 1 and related guidance). All Registered Apprenticeship sponsors must follow DEED's procedures in order to be included on Minnesota's ETPL (TEGL 8-19 and TEGL 8-19 Change 1 and related guidance).

Pre-apprenticeship programs or Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Programs (iRAPs) that are not registered with DLI or DOL must follow the registration, licensure or exempt (from licensure) process with the Minnesota Office of Higher Education or other appropriate state agency.

3c. Initial eligibility criteria: Offer quality trainings

Eligible Training Providers must submit required data elements about their programs, detailed in Minnesota's ETPL Provider Portal Handbook.

A training provider must be able to offer at least one recognized postsecondary credential to include their training opportunities on Minnesota's ETPL. A training provider who offers exclusively avocational, recreational, remedial subjects, general skills related to safety, hygiene, etc., even if such general skills certificates are broadly required to qualify for entry-level employment or advancement in employment, may be removed or not approved for inclusion in the ETPL.

A training provider must offer training programs that relate to in-demand industries in the state and maintain active approvals to operate as a training provider with the appropriate state agency for their industry sector. For example, a licensed career school that has an expired license or lost their license to operate as a school will be removed from the ETPL.

3d. Quality

States are required to define and enforce quality through eligibility requirements to ensure basic consumer protections. Minnesota uses the following criteria to define quality for recognized postsecondary credentials:

  1. For-credit trainings should be industry-recognized, stackable, portable, and accredited 

  • Industry recognized skills must be occupationally-specific to ensure they recognize technical or occupational skills rather than general skills for any occupation or industry 

  • Stackable includes a sequence of credentials that can be accumulated over time to build up an individual's qualifications, such as an associates transfer pathway to a bachelors 

  • Portable, meaning when the credential is recognized and accepted as verifying the qualifications of an individual in other settings, such as at another educational institution or by another state's licensing board 

  • Accreditation must be recognized by the United States Department of Education or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation 

2. Sustainable career outcomes 

  • Credentials should lead to sustainable employment outcomes for graduates

3. For academic degree and noncredit programs at institutions of higher education, each training must meet expectations for continued good standing for institutions or program accreditation within the registration or licensure process.

  • For Short-term credentials, Minnesota's ETPL upholds the standards of quality articulated by the National Skills Coalition, where a credential must provide individuals with the means to equitably achieve their informed employment and educational goals. This might include:

  • Career pathway – training links to available jobs

  •  Competencies mastered through credential attainment

  •  Evidence of equitable, sustainable economic outcomes, such as employment and wage outcomes

  •  Stackability and transferability to apply skills and competencies to additional learning and career advancement

 Trainings that involve a third party or platform

Portals and platforms that utilize the brand of an institution of higher education or other type of Eligible Training Provider will not be considered if proposed by the portal or platform. An Eligible Training Provider may request listing of a training that utilizes third-party provider content. The Eligible Training Provider must document how they maintain the third-party curriculum, and are accountable for third-party program quality and program performance.

The Eligible Training Provider must additionally encourage an active for-credit pathway, using CPL, articulation agreements, or other learner-centered means for the training, assessment of aligned job market demand, curriculum quality assurance, criteria for faculty credentials, validation of quality teaching, and must measure student outcomes for each third party training. The Eligible Training Provider must take responsibility for all aspects of providing documentation of completion of a recognized postsecondary credential and maintain documentation of student progress for a minimum of seven years. Eligible Training Providers must also document whether the curriculum aligns with a Minnesota standard, such as state licensure, and how the program is part of an existing in-demand education pathway or stackable credential.

How a Training Provider Requests Listing on Minnesota's ETPL & WIOA Certification


The process for a program joining the ETPL and WIOA-certified occurs in four steps.

  1. Ensure that the Eligible Training Provider meets the initial eligibility criteria. 

  2. Eligible Training Provider creates an account on DEED's online Training Provider Portal, where Eligible Training Providers may enter and/or update information on all programs and courses to be listed for inclusion on the state's ETPL.

  3. Eligible Training Provider submits documentation for ETPL administrative review on specific training programs. Eligible Training Provider requests WIOA certification for each particular training, including indicating the resulting credential(s) of the training.

  4. Eligible Training Provider receives notification of WIOA determinations of trainings.

Training providers whose programs or courses are denied WIOA certification will have appeal rights.

Requirements for Continuing Eligibility for Eligible Training Providers

Program approvals needs to be maintained. For example, program-specific exemptions from OHE expire every 2 years. An Eligible Training Provider who has programs that are exempt from licensure with OHE needs to be able to share the active exemption letter upon request. A training provider whose approval, such as exemption, has expired will be removed from Minnesota's ETPL, as the training provider should not be practicing without legal authority to operate.

ETPL programs and courses must continue to meet initial eligibility criteria to stay active on Minnesota's ETPL. 

  • Program needs to stay in approved standing with the appropriate state agency 

  •  Program needs to stay in accreditation compliance if accredited

  •  Program needs to continue to have a location in Minnesota

Training details, whether courses or programs, must be updated at least every 24 months in the ETPL Provider Portal. Trainings that are not updated at least every 24 months will be removed from Minnesota's ETPL. Inactivated trainings can be reactivated after the training provider provides updates in the ETPL Provider Portal. Eligible Training Providers are encouraged to update their trainings in sync with their organization's program cycle (e.g. semester, trimester, or when program registration platforms are updated for the Eligible Training Provider).

Eligible Training Providers, excluding Registered Apprenticeship Programs, must consistently submit required performance data on all participants as outlined in the ETPL Provider Portal Terms of Use and this policy, as requested by DEED. Registered Apprenticeship Programs are invited, but not required, to submit performance data for ETPL eligibility. (TEGL 8-19, 20 CFR 680.470(e), 20 CFR 677.230(b))

5a. Revocation of ETPL, Eligible Training Provider, and WIOA-Certified Status 

DEED retains the right to revoke WIOA-certified status of an program or course, or listing of an Eligible Training Provider on the state's ETPL, provisional or permanent, should (a) the program, course, or provider fail at any point to meet the requirements and/or definitions contained within this policy, and/or if (b) DEED determines, using data and/or customer testimonials, that the Eligible Training Provider cannot or will not provide a consistent, quality experience for program customers. Quality experience includes compliance with the provisions outlined in DEED's ETPL Provider Portal Terms of Use, this policy, and as required by the United States Department of Labor and the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), who administers the Minnesota Eligible Training Provider, ETPL and its policies. 

Compliance with DEED's terms of use include compliance with all nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions of applicable state and federal civil rights laws (Section 188 of WIOA and 29 CFR part 38), information and reporting requirements, and Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, In eligibility and Voluntary Exclusion (Part 200 Unified Guidance, 200.213 Suspension and Debarment).

The US Department of Labor requires states to remove programs and training providers who violate expectations of timely and accurate trainings, and who commit substantial violation of the state's ETPL policy. A training provider may be immediately removed from the ETPL for a substantial violation of the state's ETPL policy.

 5b. "Timely & Accurate"

  •  For program information

  •  Updates required to program details in ETPL Provider Portal at least every 2 years. 

  •  If not updated within the required 24-month limit, training is auto-inactivated from the ETPL. (TEGL 8-19)

  •  For reporting information about WIOA participants in Workforce One

  • Eligible Training Providers should be responsive to requests from DEED staff and partners, including career counselors/program monitors for information and documentation needed for WIOA federal reporting. For example, collaboration with release of information forms.

  •  For reporting information about all participants

  •  Data submissions requested from OHE every 6 months for programs enrollments and completions to be included in SLEDS.

  •  Responsive to inquiries from Minnesota's state agencies.

 5c. "Substantial Violation"

 5ci. Policy violations

  •  Performance outcomes missed (e.g. 0% graduate)

  • Falsely advertising. False advertising includes: unreasonable time to completion, such that participants are seeking to enroll with an alternative training provider; stating certification or accreditation with a fraudulent accreditor/certifying body; falsely utilizing WIOA certification, credentials, and/or DEED's workforce programs in company advertising and recruitment.

  • If an Eligible Training Provider falsely advertising; DEED will issue the Eligible Training Provider a warning, if the training provider does not clarify and address the situation causing the discrepancy, DEED may remove the training provider from the ETPL.

  •  Failure to update training details at least every 24 months for accurate informed customer choice.

  • Federal guidance requires training providers to update their information at least every two years. If a training provider is nearing the deadline, DEED will email the ETPL Provider Portal contact for the training provider requesting that they update their data with a 30-day deadline. If a training provider then fails to update their training details, DEED may remove that institution from the ETPL. Being removed from the ETPL also removes WIOA certification. Training institutions, along with their courses or programs, removed from the ETPL are eligible for reinstatement after providing all necessary information to comply with federal WIOA law. (TEGL 8-19, 20 CFR ? 680.410, and additional guidance)

  •  Training provider violating the ETPL Provider Portal Terms of Use.

 5cii. Revocation of legal approval to provide training

Training providers are required to consent to a Terms of Use when creating an institution and user account in Minnesota's ETPL Provider Portal. These terms of use ensure Eligible Training Providers are following federal laws regarding equal opportunity and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), certifying that their organizations are not presently debarred or suspended from receiving assistance or funding from the Federal government, the State, or any of the State's departments, commissions, agencies, or political subdivisions, and that the Eligible Training Provider will participate in performance reporting as required by WIOA law (20 CFR ? 677.230, TEGL 8-19, TEGL 3-18).  

Losing approved status with the appropriate state agency, such as loss of license to legally operate as a training provider (20 CFR ? 680.410).

Discrimination or negligence

 Harassment or discrimination

  •  Training providers are required to follow WIOA Section 188 and other applicable state and federal laws regarding harassment and discrimination. Training providers engaging in harassment or discrimination may be removed from the ETPL and face further investigation, such as inquiry from DEED's Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity team.


  •  Eligible Training Provider fails to respond to requests for required data elements for their listed trainings.

 Eligible Training Provider Performance Reporting Regarding All Participants

 6a. Data Requirements 

Under WIOA, states are required to collect data relating to eligible training programs listed on the ETPL. Required data under the law includes information on recognized postsecondary certificates, degrees or credentials received by participants, information on cost of attendance for participants (including tuition and fees), and information on the program completion rate of participants. DEED will generally acquire as much information (e.g., entered employment rate, wages) through existing data collection processes, without necessitating any paperwork from the training provider. Periodically, DEED may request additional information from providers to comply with federal law (20 CFR ? 677.230, TEGL 8-19, and additional applicable guidance).

Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs) are invited, but not required, to participate in performance reporting, as RAPs report the required performance information to DLI through the renewals process for maintaining an active RAP.

 6b. Performance Requirements for continuing eligibility 

 If an Eligible Training Provider is not collecting all required data elements for performance reporting at the time of joining the ETPL, the training provider will have two years to document needed data collection changes and complete technical assistance before being removed from the ETPL. 

Eligible Training Providers, excluding Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs), are required to submit performance data on all courses and programs on the ETPL to OHE for inclusion in SLEDS. 

 6c. Performance Reporting Procedures

Data provided by Eligible Training Providers for continuing eligibility include individual-level enrollments, exiters, and completions (credential attainment). DEED and OHE collaborate on data collection, leveraging state administrative data where possible, to keep training provider reporting burden to a minimum.

 6ci. Concerning all participants: enrollments, exiters, and completions

As outlined in the ETPL Terms of Use, every program on the ETPL must submit enrollments and completions data (credential attainment) to OHE for inclusion in SLEDS every six months. This information about all enrollments (WIOA and non-WIOA) allows DEED to wage match employment outcomes for required federal reporting about training programs on the ETPL. DEED may also request additional data from Eligible Training Providers.

 6cii. Weighting of Credentials

ETPL Administration does not weight training opportunities. For example, DEED does not weight a training program that has existed longer as a partner with DEED's workforce programs. 

WIOA supports credentialled and noncredentialled training. Minnesota's Career and Education Explorer includes credentialled trainings, noncredentialled trainings, and a few basic/essential skills opportunities. The basic and essential skills in Minnesota's Career and Education Explorer are not part of the state's ETPL.

A training that is listed as WIOA-certified includes a recognized postsecondary credential.

WIOA Documentation and Performance Reporting regarding WIOA Participants

7a. Credential Attainment

A training program or course whose completion results in a recognized credential must be WIOA-certified in order to document a recognized postsecondary credential in Workforce One. 

For credential attainment, WIOA certification is required to document a recognized postsecondary credential. WIOA certification in the Career and Education Explorer is the flag indicating that a training includes a credential. 

There is no equivalent for WIOA certification in the Career and Education Explorer for documenting credentials earned in WIOA's Title I programs. The WIOA certification flag in the Career and Education Explorer follows the federal definition of a recognized postsecondary credential as defined in applicable WIOA laws.

7b. Measurable Skills Gains

Program providers may use training programs or courses that are not WIOA-certified under many circumstances. These programs or courses carry a "non-credentialed training" flag on the ETPL. Non-credentialed training does not count for or against program performance for the credential attainment rate. 

Noncredentialled training is a flag in the Career and Education Explorer. Noncredentialled training does not include a credential (e.g. a prep course for a state licensure exam, where the licensing exam is not included in the training). Noncredentialled training does not count towards the credential attainment performance measure, because a noncredentialled training does not include a recognized postsecondary credential.

7c. Individualized Training Accounts and Local Workforce Development Boards

Trainings are supported on the ETPL through the mechanism of an Individualized Training Account (ITA). 

An Eligible Training Providers' participation on the state's ETPL is not a guarantee that any WIOA participants will chose their training, or that they will be awarded ITA funds. 

According to federal guidance, WIOA training funds can fund credentialled and noncredentialled training (TEGL 8-19). However, some local boards have policies restricting the state list, excluding RAPs, as boards are allowed to do in federal guidance (TEGL 8-19), to prioritize funding in-demand occupations. DEED encourages local workforce development boards to utilize the full ETPL to increase participant choice in advancing their careers.

For guidance on allowable activities, including training services, please review the WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker Allowable Activities. (See Related Links section.) 

ETPL Reciprocity: In order for ETPL reciprocity to apply, the following conditions must be met:

  • Eligible Training Provider in the state where the training provider is physically located 

  • The training provider has no physical location in Minnesota, 

  • The program is listed on the state ETPL where the training provider is located offers a training that is not on Minnesota's ETPL, and 

  • the training program relates to in-demand industries in Minnesota 

If these conditions are met Minnesota will recognize the designation (credentialled or non-credentialed training) of the state where the training provider is located. However, DEED will not list the program or institution on the Minnesota ETPL unless the Eligible Training Provider meets Minnesota's ETPL criteria. 

Out-of-state training providers, except for out-of-state Registered Apprenticeship sponsors, are not included on Minnesota's ETPL. The ETPLs from all states can be found on the linked map graphic at the America's Service Locator page. (See Related Links section.)

7ci. Documentation Concerning WIOA participants

For Minnesota's Credential Attainment measure, all WIOA-certified training must be entered into Workforce One as a credentialed training activity, and the credential documented upon completion. Credentials not entered into Workforce One and associated with a credentialed training activity, will not be included in WIOA reports on the credential attainment measures.

If the training is being funded utilizing WIOA funds:

  • The training must be WIOA-certified to document a credential.

  • A non-credentialed training may be funded, but it must be categorized as "non-credentialed training" in Workforce One. It cannot be categorized as "classroom training" or any other credentialed training activity.
  • Providers cannot document a credential for non-credentialed training. 

  • DEED encourages use of programs that are active on Minnesota's ETPL, both WIOA-certified (credentialed) and non-credentialed trainings. 

WIOA-certified For State Dislocated Worker funds only: ETPL program listings that are not WIOA-certified or noncredentialled training, the training must be verified as actively licensed/registered/exempt as described above with OHE or the appropriate state licensing agency and have a location in Minnesota. 

7d. Role of Local Workforce Development Boards 

Local Workforce Development Boards (WDBs) ensure that sufficient and diverse Eligible Training Providers are aware of the ETPL and encourage providers to apply for program approval to the state ETPL. The State of Minnesota seeks proposed ETPL listings from eligible training institutions located anywhere in Minnesota, as well as National Program Registered Apprenticeship Programs located anywhere in the United States.

Local Workforce Development Boards (WDBs) may restrict the ETPL, excluding apprenticeship programs, by adding additional local requirements for programs. It is the responsibility of WDBs to collaborate with DEED's ETPL Administration when considering additional requirements to ensure that informed customer choice (the WIOA participant) is not adversely limited by restrictions of the ETPL. According to federal guidance (e.g. TEGL 8-19), WIOA training funds can fund credentialled and noncredentialled training. However, some local boards have policies restricting the state list, as boards can do in federal guidance (TEGL 8-19), to prioritize funding credentialled training or in-demand occupations. 

DEED encourages WDBs to utilize the state ETPL to increase participant choice in advancing their careers. 

If a WDB has a concern with a provider offering services in its area, it should contact the training provider and DEED ETPL Administration with the relevant concerns and supporting documentation. DEED will investigate the concerns, may contact the training provider, and will transmit a decision to the pertinent WDB and the training provider within 30 calendar days of the receipt of the original concern. Local WDBs are under no obligation to use one certified training program or course over another.

Minnesota's ETPL Credential Transparency Partnership with Credential Engine

An Eligible Training Provider's programs' public information that include a recognized postsecondary credential may be additionally posted to Credential Engine's online registry. To be published to Credential Engine, an Eligible Training Providers' ETPL listing must meet Credential Engine field requirements. 


Continued eligibility: All programs are subject to review and renewal at least every two years; failure to provide and update data may result in removal from the ETPL and loss of WIOA certification. All training providers listed on the ETPL need to provide any required information for continued eligibility for these programs at least every two years.

Courses: One or more organized learning experiences with a specified curriculum in a specific field of study. Courses should stack into programs and additional credentials.

Credential: A recognized postsecondary credential is the formal recognition of an individual's attainment of measurable technical or occupational skills necessary to obtain employment or advance within an occupation. These technical or occupational skills are generally based on standards developed or endorsed by employers. Educational credentials are commonly termed diploma, certificate, and degree. Credentials are industry-recognized; a certificate of completion does not count as a credential. Further details on the definition can be found at: https://wioacredentialtool.safalapps.com/. The range of different types of credentials includes:

  1. Educational diplomas, certificates, and degrees;

  2. Registered apprenticeship certificates;

  3. Occupational licenses (typically awarded by state government agencies);

  4. Industry-recognized or professional association certificates; and

  5. Other certificates of skills completion.

Eligible Training Provider: An organization that is (a) offering training courses or programs to students based in Minnesota, and (b) licensed, registered, or deemed otherwise exempt by the Minnesota Office of Higher Education (or another state agency if appropriate) in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Chapter 141. According to the U.S. Department of Labor (Training and Employment Guidance letter 17-05, Attachment B), the provider may have a statewide industry group as a sponsor, rather than a conventional educational institution; however, this policy requires that the provider be licensed, registered, or deemed otherwise exempt as outlined above. Being an Eligible Training Provider does not guarantee that all training programs or courses offered by that training provider are WIOA-certified.

Eligible Training Provider list (ETPL): Minnesota's ETPL lists Eligible Training Providers (as defined above) that have requested listing. Trainings fall into three categories: WIOA-certified, non-credentialed training, or neither. Trainings will be flagged if they are either WIOA-certified or non-credentialed in the Career and Education Explorer. The ETPL also includes additional information about programs.

Initial eligibility: Initial eligibility refers to the first year a program applies for listing on the ETPL. When providers apply for WIOA certification of their training program(s) and are approved, the program is initially eligible. Providers must submit federally required information for any programs under consideration for certification (see the Training Provider Portal; also, TEGL 41-14 and TEGL 8-19). 

Industry-recognized: An industry-recognized credential is one that either is developed or offered by, or endorsed by a nationally-recognized industry association or organization representing a sizeable portion of the industry sector, or credential that is sought or accepted by companies within the industry sector for purposes of hiring or recruitment which may include credentials from vendors of certain products. In certain sectors, there may be more than one major industry association that may endorse or promote different credentials based on variations in geographic region, company size, or the product or equipment that company uses and needs workers to be able to operate.

Non-credentialed training: Training that enhances employability but does not in itself result in a credential. If the training program itself does not include a credential, the participant's training can still be funded through WIOA as non-credentialed training. Training programs that serve as prerequisites to taking exams or completing other courses that would then result in a credential fall under this non-credentialed training category. Trainings that are taken as continuing education to maintain a currently held credential - but do not result in an industry-recognized credential that the participant has not previously held - fall under this non-credentialed training category as well. Non-credentialed training does not count for or against the credential attainment rate in performance reporting, since a credential is not earned as part of that particular training.

Participant: Includes students in programs in institutions of higher education who participate on the ETPL, also includes WIOA participants.

Program: An organized series of courses with specified curricula in a recognized field of study designed to give the participant the necessary knowledge to succeed in that field of study.

Program provider: One of the Workforce Delivery Areas or other organizations certified by the State of Minnesota to provide intake, counseling, and other key services for programs like the Dislocated Worker program (state- or federally funded) and/or WIOA Adult program. A program provider is generally not the same as a training provider, though it is technically possible to be both.

Training: a course or program containing postsecondary content

Related Links
Minnesota Office of Higher Education - School Licensure and Registration
Other Occupation Specific Agencies and Licensing Boards
DEED's ETPL Terms of Use
Career and Education Explorer
Training Provider Portal
America's Service Locator (ETPL)

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