Occupational Employment Statistics
53-1047 First-Line Supervisors of Transportation and Material-Moving Workers, Except Aircraft Cargo Handling Superviso
Northwest Minnesota
| 680 | 33 | $31.77/hr | $22.47/hr | $25.58/hr | $30.62/hr | $37.87/hr | $42.26/hr |
Natural Resources and Mining | 20 | $28.81/hr |
Construction | 290 | $35.11/hr |
Manufacturing | 1,130 | $35.81/hr |
Trade, Transportation and Utilities | 5,080 | $31.73/hr |
Information | 90 | $31.83/hr |
Financial Activities | 70 | $31.08/hr |
Professional and Business Services | 630 | $33.94/hr |
Education and Health Services | 200 | $29.38/hr |
Leisure and Hospitality | 70 | $25.47/hr |
Other Services | 430 | $26.70/hr |
Public Administration | 1,020 | $46.17/hr |