Occupational Employment Statistics
51-9194 Etchers and Engravers
Engrave or etch metal, wood, rubber, or other materials. Includes such workers as etcher-circuit processors, pantograph engravers, and silk screen etchers. Photoengravers are included in "Prepress Technicians and Workers" (51-5111).
| 120 | 44 | $20.36/hr | $15.90/hr | $17.07/hr | $18.58/hr | $24.14/hr | $24.14/hr |
Manufacturing | 100 | $20.90/hr |
Trade, Transportation and Utilities | N/A | N/A |
- Determine machine settings, and move bars or levers to reproduce designs on rollers or plates.
- Expose workpieces to acid to develop etch patterns such as designs, lettering, or figures.
- Adjust depths and sizes of cuts by adjusting heights of worktables, or by adjusting machine-arm gauges.
- Use computer software to design patterns for engraving.
- Set reduction scales to attain specified sizes of reproduction on workpieces, and set pantograph controls for required heights, depths, and widths of cuts.
- Remove completed workpieces and place them in trays.
- Observe actions of cutting tools through microscopes and adjust stylus movement to ensure accurate reproduction.
- Guide stylus over template, causing cutting tool to duplicate design or letters on workpiece.
- Select and insert required templates into pattern frames beneath the stylus of a machine cutting tool or router.
- Neutralize workpieces to remove acid, wax, or enamel, using water, solvents, brushes, or specialized machines.