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Trade Adjustment Assistance

Definition of Suitability of Employment

Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) only supports training activities that result in an individual having the skills to obtain “suitable employment.” In addition, an individual is eligible for TAA when the individual currently does not have suitable employment and lacks the skills to obtain such a position. Unemployment Insurance/Trade Readjustment Assistance use similar definitions in assessing an individual’s eligibility for assistance.

Relevant Laws, Rules, or Policies
Trade and Globalization Adjustment Assistance Act of 2009 amendments Section 236(e)

Effective Date

Last Updated

Deb Schlekewy, Debra.Schlekewy@state.mn.us
Tel   651.259.7570
Fax  651.296.0288
TTY  651.296.3900


(as amended by Trade and Globalization Adjustment Assistance Act of 2009

Topic: Suitability of Employment

Policy Title: Definition of Suitability of Employment

Policy Text:
Suitable employment in Minnesota has the following five characteristics:
- Full-time and permanent: Suitable employment is at least 32 clock hours per week and is “permanent” (i.e,. unlimited in time).

- Salary Parameters: Suitable employment pays at least 80 percent of one’s previous wages.

- Work Hours: Suitable employment requires approximately the same work hours (i.e. shift) as the previous employment; any substantial differences should only be acceptable to the DW counselor and TAA specialist if the job seeker fully understands and embraces them.

- Working Conditions: Suitable employment has approximately the same working conditions as the previous employment; any substantial differences should only be acceptable to the DW counselor and TAA specialist if the job seeker fully understands and embraces them.

- Use of Skills: Suitable employment requires the full use of skills that the individual possesses from a previous employment or from training.

TAA specialists cannot support any activity that is unlikely to result in suitable employment as defined by these five characteristics.

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